Friday, March 14, 2008

First Entry

This is my very first post on my very first blog. I was teased into it by a wonderful blogger who sent me a prize for comments. She wanted to know why I didn't have a blog to show off my quilting and other hobbies. So, a little about me.

I'm a mom with 2 kids in college, a dh who puts up with all my various and assorted stashing tendencies (including the multiplying yarn in the closet!), and live high in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I've been sewing forever, and started doing quilts about 10 years ago. That was about the time we moved to Colorado, and I was looking for hobbies for COLD winter evenings. That was about the same time that I took up knitting and crochet, and the rest is stashaholic history.

I have fabric that multiplies in the most unusual places, and my cats seem to find new spots with new fabrics on a regular basis.

Once I figure this out, I'll stick in some pictures and some of my favorite web browsing haunts. I am quite new to writing down my life in public, so we'll see how that goes!!

More later!